Divi Testimonials Extended is a third party plugin for Divi which has an inbuilt custom post type for testimonials and a module to create stunning testimonials sliders in Divi theme.
If you are a Divi theme user and looking to create a testimonial slider section on your website, this plugin has the following features which make it an ideal choice compared to other Divi testimonial plugins.
Custom post type for testimonials
This plugin adds a custom post type for testimonials with support for categories. This makes it possible to create separate Divi testimonial layouts for users who want to use it for displaying testimonials for more than one service or products.

For example, if an author wants to add different testimonial sliders on two different pages for two different books, the plugin makes it easy by categorization. Does it sound likes a standard WordPress blog post which can be assigned to any category as required?
If the author wants to display all the testimonials for his books on the homepage or anywhere else on his website irrespective of the categorization, the default function of the plugin’s module is to display all the testimonials.
Divi testimonial slider module
The testimonials post type is the heart of the plugin which is used to collect the testimonials and publish it on the website at a central location.
Once testimonials are added to a website, they can be displayed on a page using the highly customizable Divi testimonial module in the form of rotating sliders.
Divi Testimonial Extended works with the Divi classic editor, wireframe mode and is one of the Earlybird plugins to have full Divi visual builder support for front-end editing.

As there is no additional configuration required and the Divi page builder for creating the testimonial sliders works like the native modules, it takes less than 5 minutes to create stunning testimonials sections. The real-time preview while working with the plugin makes it easy to implement.

Star rating with Schema and Gravatar support
Divi testimonials extended supports stars rating schema and the result rendered on the page makes sense to search engines and rating systems. The user pictures can also be grabbed from Gravatar if users enable this feature on the module settings.
Here is the list of core features of the plugin again:
- It has a custom post type for testimonials
- Has a highly customizable Divi testimonial module.
- Has 3 testimonial slider to create rotating testimonials on a Divi based website.
- Mobile friendly
- 100% Visual builder compatible
- Star rating schema
- Gravatar support
Get started with Divi Testimonial Extended today and create powerful Divi testimonial slider.